1-BE-Alert-2 Demo Alert
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1-BE-Alert-1 Demo Alert
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Demo Alert
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Useful links for older Victorians

Additional resources and contacts, information, links, external websites for older Victorians

Aged care

  • My Aged Care (previously Australian Government's Seniors.gov.au and Department of Health and Ageing)
    Visit My Aged Care
  • Aged Care in Victoria
    Visit Aged Care in Victoria

Concessions, rebates, health services and programs

Culture, activities and tourism

Government organisations

Health and emergency services

  • Better Health Channel
    Visit Better Health Channel
  • Country Fire Authority (CFA) (dial triple zero (000) to report an emergency)
    Visit Country Fire Authority
  • Crime Stoppers (dial triple zero (000) to report an emergency)
    Phone 1800 333 000 or visit Crimestoppers
  • Emergencies
    In an emergency dial triple zero (000)
    If you are deaf or have a speech or hearing impairment call 106. This is a Text Emergency Call, not SMS, and you can call from teletypewriters.
  • Fire Rescue Victoria (fire brigade) - dial triple zero (000) to report an emergency
    Visit Fire Rescue Victoria
  • Lifeline
    Phone 13 11 14 or visit Lifeline
  • Nurse-on-Call (health advice from registered nurses - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
    Phone 1300 60 60 24 or visit Nurse on Call
  • Police (dial triple zero (000) to report an emergency)
    To find your local police station visit Find my local police station
  • State Emergency Services (SES) (dial triple zero (000) to report an emergency)
    Phone 132 500 or visit State Emergency Services
  • VicEmergency Hotline (dial triple zero (000) to report an emergency)
    Phone 1800 226 226 or visit VicEmergency Hotline on the CFA website
  • Health Complaints Commissioner
    Phone 1300 582 113 or visit www.hcc.vic.gov.au

Money, work and retirement

Transport and public transport

Seniors advocacy groups

Seniors community groups
