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Be scam savvy

Learn more about scams, and how to avoid them

Australians lost a record amount of more than $2.7 billion to scams in 2023, with people over 65 reporting the highest losses. In addition to the financial cost, scams can have a devastating emotional impact on victims.

Be aware – scammers are impersonating government departments and trusted businesses.

This may be communicated by suspicious emails, messages and phone calls. Cyber criminals may try to make contact with you and ask that you hand over your private information or provide access to your computer.

If you received a call out of the blue from the Tax Office saying you had a tax debt that you had to pay immediately or be arrested, what would you think?
If Telstra called you and said there were internet problems in your area and they needed remote access to your computer in order to help you otherwise they would disconnect your service, what would you do?

While it would be understandable if your initial reaction might be fear or panic, Australians are being urged to ‘Stop and check – is this for real?’

In these scams, scammers pretend to be from a government agency or well-known, trusted business and use threats to pressure or scare you into giving them money sharing your personal information or downloading remote access software. They may threaten that you will receive a fine, that you will be charged additional fees, that your internet will be disconnected, that the police or debt collectors will come to your home, or that you will be taken to court, arrested or even deported.

These scammers and their threats can seem genuine and frightening. They make you feel as if you’ve done something wrong or that there’s some urgency and you must do what they say immediately or suffer the consequences.

Older Australians have been particularly vulnerable to these scams in the past. So if you’re contacted unexpectedly and threatened by someone that says they’re from a government agency or trusted business, always consider the possibility that it may be a scam – then stop and check if it’s for real.

Protect yourself and your data online:

Take care when sharing personal information online or by email. Verify websites and email recipients before sharing any personal or payment information. Read more tips on the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner website.

Use strong and unique passwords and set up multi-factor authentication to protect your online accounts.

Monitor your accounts and devices for any unusual activity or unexpected communication.

Don’t open suspicious texts, pop-up windows or click on links or attachments in emails – just delete them. These could infect your computer with malware.

If you receive contact from someone claiming to be from a telecommunications company, a technical support service provider or online marketplace, hang up. Verify the identity of the contact through an independent source, such as a phone book or online search, then get in touch with them to ask if they contacted you. Don’t use the contact details provided by the caller or in the message sent to you.

Never send money, give your banking or credit card details or other personal information to anyone you don’t know or trust, and never by email or over the phone.

Know that a government agency or trusted business will never ask you to pay them with gift or store cards, iTunes cards, wire transfers or Bitcoin.

Never give anyone remote access to your computer if they’ve contacted you out of the blue – whether through a phone call, pop up window or email – even if they claim to be from a well-known company like Telstra.

If you have lost money or given your personal details to a scammer, there are steps you can take straight away to limit the damage and protect yourself from further loss:

If you’ve sent money or shared your banking or credit card details, contact your financial institution immediately. They may be able to stop or reverse a transaction, or close your account.

If you suspect you have been impacted by a data breach, there are additional measures you can take to protect yourself from any potentially fraudulent activity. These include:

  • changing your online account passwords as a matter of good security practice – make sure you have strong passwords that you haven’t used for other accounts
  • avoiding opening unsolicited attachments
  • never giving anyone your password or financial details even if they sound plausible.

If you’ve given your personal information to a scammer or believe a scammer has access to your information, free support is available from IDCARE. IDCARE is Australia and New Zealand’s not-for-profit national identity and cyber support service. IDCARE can work with you to develop a specific response plan to your situation and support you through the process. For support visit:

Scammers are often based overseas, it is extremely difficult for government agencies to track them down or for law enforcement to take action against them. So take the time to warn your friends and family about these scams.

For more information about these scams, where to get help or to report a scam, visit the Scamwatch website

Scammers use a number of different techniques to allure people. Below are some examples to be aware of.
