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Partners in Wellbeing

Partners in Wellbeing is a free service that offers one-on-one support to help you improve your wellbeing, develop strategies to cope and provide emotional support when and as you need it.

For some people, the psychological, social and economic effects of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, have had a significant impact on their mental health and wellbeing. Many people also feel distressed and overwhelmed by the constant media reports and conflicting information about the situation.

Partners in wellbeing logo

It’s natural to feel a range of emotions, such as stress, worry, anxiety or feeling low. These feelings are common during and after distressing events like the COVID-19 pandemic and the restrictions put in place to stop its transmission. Experiencing these feelings does not always mean something is wrong.

However, if you are not coping or have been feeling distressed, anxious or down over several weeks, help is available through Partners in Wellbeing service.

The free service offers one-on-one support to help you improve your wellbeing, develop strategies to cope and provide emotional support when and as you need it.

Work out what is wrong together

Working with a Wellbeing Coach, you explore what is causing your stress or anxiety and help you gain clarity on your thoughts, feelings and experiences. Conversations will be a safe place for you to talk privately about feeling overwhelmed, unsafe or anxious without judgement.

Get things under control

Through coaching and practical advice, your Wellbeing Coach will help you find strategies to manage stress, anxiety and improve your wellbeing and resilience.

Get on with life

We help you to identify people in your life, support services, and other resources to draw on during times of stress. If required, a Wellbeing Coach will assist you to link with other support services in your local community.

Keep Connected

We keep in regular contact with you to provide emotional support, practical assistance and help you use the strategies you have identified to manage your stress, anxiety and improve your wellbeing.

Learn more about COVID-19

As the restrictions and advice in response to COVID can change, your Wellbeing Coach can provide up-to-date and accurate information on COVID 19 and current restrictions within your community.

Additional support for people living with mental health concerns and carers

People living with mental health concerns and their carers may be particularly vulnerable during this time, with additional distress making it harder to cope, stay connected or manage wellbeing.


To be eligible for this service, you need to be aged 16 or over and:

  • experiencing increased life stressors and your usual coping strategies are not working
  • noticing signs of anxiety and or depression that have lasted more than a few weeks, such as:
  • low mood, i.e. feeling down
  • feeling overwhelmed and unsafe
  • low energy
  • feelings of hopelessness
  • fear, nervousness or worrying
  • avoidance of social situations
  • thoughts of self-harm or harm to others.
  • are not currently using a community mental health psychosocial support service.

Carers may experience these challenges in their own right in addition to providing care to a loved one.

Get started or refer someone you know

Contact the Partners in Wellbeing team in your area by calling 1300 375 330 to begin making changes to improve your wellbeing.

If you would like to refer someone you know, you must first discuss this with them and have their consent to make the referral on their behalf.

We encourage referrals from people who identify as LGBTI, culturally diverse, Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people, Veterans and people experiencing homelessness.

About Partners in Wellbeing

Partners in Wellbeing is funded by the Victorian Government and is being delivered by EACH, Neami National and the Australian Community Services Organisation (ACSO) across Victoria.

This is a free service that anyone over 16 years of age can access.

North, West, Inner, South Metropolitan Melbourne

Neami National

Email: partnersinwellbeing@neaminational.org.au

Visit: www.neaminational.org.au/piw

South-Eastern and East Metropolitan Melbourne


Email: partnersinwellbeing@neaminational.org.au

Visit partnersinwellbeing.org.au

Regional Victoria


Email: partnersinwellbeing@acso.org.au

Visit: www.acso.org.au/aod-mh-support
